When not facing the current lockdown restrictions, Fordingbridge and the New Forest is a fantastic place to visit at any time of the year, and particularly magical at Christmas.
Fordingbridge is a small Hampshire town which sits on the River Avon, on the edge of the breathtaking New Forest National Park.
We hope that we will all be able to come out of lockdown on the proposed date of December 2nd, and welcome you to our Town and all it has to offer.
There are lots of wide open spaces to enjoy the scenery whilst keeping a safe distance from others. There are also plenty of local shops and eating establishments who have been strictly following current COVID safety guidelines to ensure that, if you wish to visit, you may do so in a safe and welcoming environment.
In Fordingbridge you’ll also find the Collier & Dobson gallery. Practising safe distances and safe sanitising, we’d love to show you our artwork and beautiful interiors, all available to buy for truly wonderful Christmas presents.
Please follow the current government guidelines and stay at home, and shop with us online - we will look forward to welcoming you to Fordingbridge and our galleries once lockdown has been lifted.
Find us at 24 High Street, Fordingbridge, Hampshire, SP6 1AX - check our website for opening hours.