Adam Kolakowski
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Adam Kołakowski, through the medium of oil painting, tells stories hidden in his imagination.

His painting is, above all, an illustration of what is emotional and immaterial. The author is an attentive observer of reality, from which he learns a joke, gives it a new narrative and a personal commentary. Converseness, sarcasm, and a look at the world with a frosty eye make the images coherently form a whole, they have a common denominator.
It emerges from the smoke of memories and longing for what is indigenous and true. It is a drawn essence of warm associations, which each of us left leaving our family place, country or simply blurred by the momentum of the contemporary times. They are also combined elements of dreams and flickering images of our imagination emerging from the hustle and bustle of civilization, striving to achieve peace and harmony.
“One painting can replace a thousand words, one word can create thousands of paintings.”