Josie Appleby
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Josie Appleby is a London-based artist. Having undertaken 2 years of an Equine Sports Therapy degree, Josie’s deep understanding of horses and animals and her profound passion and flair for design is clear to see in her collection of wonderfully atmospheric paintings.

'Art is the highest form of hope’ - Gerhard Richter. Josie says her journey as an artist has brought her closer to understanding this quote.
She paints for so many reasons that are close to her heart. "Like many artists before me, my life experiences have created the person I am, which undoubtedly has had a huge effect on my art. In moments of despair, love, frustration and happiness there is always lurking somewhere a glimpse of hope. This is what I try to convey into my paintings, something unexplainable that inspires your imagination".
“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”